Hi! You can call me Kiki. That’s my name in the streets. Not really but that’s the name I use in Starbucks. 🙂 I’m a savage cause I really just cropped my husband out of that photo above. #sorrynotsorry
I’m a Brooklyn Mama with two amazing children and a rock star husband.
Photo by Cary Davis, Deer Baby Photography
I teach for a living but learn something new every day.
This space is where I share a slice of our life. I hope you find something useful and something that makes you smile.
What’s with the name?
Interesting story, I was stuck for a name so I asked my 5 year old for help. She said “Sure, Mama, what’s the blog going to be about?” I told her it was about the renovations we were doing. She was quiet and thought for a bit. “How about A Tale of Changes since you are telling people about changes in the house?” Brilliant! Love this kid!! Not to be outdone baby boy is working on a theme song for the blog. Love him!