What’s so great about a family closet?
Sometimes I have crazy ideas. You know like starting a blog. Sometimes I get really stuck on these ideas because I have a vision. Like that time I wanted to have my wedding reception tables in an X configuration.
Did I just find a way to sneak my wedding pictures onto my home reno blog? Why yes, yes I did! #yourewelcome
My latest crazy vision is the family closet. I had been thinking about it for awhile. The idea of having all of the family’s clothes in one location. How awesome would that be? Is it a thing? Does anybody do that?
It is a thing but mostly with people who have lots of kids.
Here’s why I think it’s fantastic:
It’s a space saver in the bedroom.
There are no closets in any of the bedrooms. ::Shocked Face:: This means they aren’t true bedrooms for real estate purposes but we aren’t selling anytime soon.
It’s NYC living around these parts so we aren’t talking huge bedrooms. No bedroom closets means more space for other things such as more floor space for playing, a quiet corner for reading, and a spot for a desk.
Laundry is easier and faster.
The real game changer is putting away clean clothes. It is so much quicker when you don’t have to travel from room to room opening various closets and drawers. Additionally, if the closet is well organized the kids can help put things away as well.
Planning outfits is quick and simple.
So we like to match. Sometimes it’s on purpose and sometimes it’s by accident. With everyone’s clothes in the same area it makes it easier to coordinate outfits if that’s what you’re into.
Managing hand me downs is more streamlined.
While I’m looking through Lady Pep’s side of the closet I can easily identify t-shirts she’s outgrown and then shift them to Master Ace’s side. They don’t get stuck in a pile I intend to move to someone else’s closet.
In conclusion, I think a family closet is boss! Would a family closet work for you? Why or why not?