Hola muchachas y muchachos! We no longer live in a construction zone ala the photo below. Huzzah!
We’ve been living in our renovated space for a couple of weeks now and here’s the verdict. . . We love it! What a great way to start off 2019. But just so you understand why we think it’s so awesome I’m going to take you on a journey though the process. It’s so much better on the other side.
A few rooms had major changes. We’ll take a look at them through this Monday series called Appreciating the Journey. The spaces aren’t completely done ( with house stuff when is anything ever completely done?? Amiright?) but I wanted to take the time to appreciate the journey.
First up is Master Ace’s room. His room is perhaps the most dramatic, after all it did start out as a kitchen.
For a brief moment I entertained the idea of having my littles share a room and turning the kitchen into a laundry oasis. Hoffy, my husband, shut that down pretty quickly.
Getting There
The first step in making it a bedroom was getting the appliances out. We pretty much had to gut it.
With the appliances gone the space felt so much bigger and less like a hallway.
I was super excited to see it gutted but it remained that way for a long time as other spaces were worked on.
See that pipe?
That was one of those unexpected surprises you get during renovations. We couldn’t move it so we boxed it in.
This pipe was also staying and needed to get boxed in.
But look at the cute architectural detail it added to the room.
The other issue was the floor. Underneath the vinyl all of the wood flooring was damaged. New hardwood it is!
Eventually things started moving in the right direction.
The sheetrock went up, then the taping, then the spackle.
We were really grooving now. Then it was time to paint! You can read about how we chose the paint colors here.
I love love love the paint color in his room.
I’m not partial to white paint and I generally don’t use white paint on the ceiling. I love color and will usually pick something with a hint of color for the ceiling.
We used a really light gray for the ceiling and the trim that is just perfect.
The floors didn’t match the rest of the house exactly but I really liked how it looked in his room. The wide plank is so cute.
All in all I’m just over the moon for his room. It came out so nice! It’s cozy and fun. Such a comfortable place to hang out. I was nervous about the size of the bed but it works really well.
Next up in Appreciating the Journey is Lady Pep’s room.